About Us

Rebels with a cause.


Health care veterans decided to shake things up.

They created ShareMy.Health, a platform that puts you in control of your health information. Soon guests of dozens of New York homeless shelters could securely download their vital medical records in minutes, not days.

Fast forward to the 2020 pandemic, and their privacy technology helped everyone from Fortune 1000 companies to pro sports leagues get regular lab tests, hold massive events, and safely re-open offices around the world.‍

By 2022 the industry veterans are tackling the next pandemics -- medication adherence, mental health, and malnutrition -- with global employers and nonprofits. Their platform builds genuine human connection while powerful AI crunches the numbers to reveal what's actually improving outcomes at lower cost.

And guess what? They’re still innovating. It’s like they’re throwing a party and everyone’s invited -- patients, providers, families, organizations. The goal? Better outcomes for all. Now that’s a happy ending!

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Teamwork = Dreamwork

Haley Dorais

Director of Operations

Cecile Gladden

Customer success Conductor

Clayton Holding

Director of Humanitarian Innovation

Rob Ludlow

Chief Operations Optimizer

John Meyers

Software Wrangler Supreme

Galen Murdock

Chief executive Officer & Co-Founder

JC Tatro

VP of innovative development

Isabelle Weaver

director of strategic inniatives