Save more lives.

Transform the way you care for your families & communities.
The ultimate webflow component library.

Our global impact

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Screening Velocity


More Reliable Data


People Served
The Problem

A 21st-Century Solution for a Multi-Generational Pandemic

Each year, 200 million children suffer from malnutrition, contributing to 45% of child mortality. Despite $9 billion USD spent annually on global nutrition, outdated paper-based systems prevail. ShareMy.Health provides innovative tools for screening children and efficiently matching at-risk children with community resources. Our platform provides partners with advanced 21st-century tools that eliminate paper, improve screening efficiency, enhance family outcomes, and measure program impact.

Family-Centered Solution

The first health-based software that puts the family at the center. By owning their own data, families have the power to create their own health path along side community partners.

Nutrition Screening & Intervention

Community health workers are empowered to accurately record nutrition screenings, plan interventions for at-risk children, and track a group's progress over time.


Community organizations gain access to real-time, individual and program analytics, enabling swift and informed decision-making based on precise data.


A family can share their child’s information with community organizations they trust. Each child’s screening data, intervention plan, and outcomes are then shared across supporting community partners, leading to improved coordination, collaboration, and impact.

Partnership is the key to success.

We believe in the power of collaboration – it truly takes a village to create meaningful impact. We're open to various partnership opportunities, so please reach out to share your ideas. Here are some suggestions.

Grant Proposals

Enhance your grant application by partnering with us for M&E, nutrition, or adherence technology. Together, we can make your proposal more compelling and impactful.

Research Papers

We collaborate with research institutions and organizations to evaluate their programs, ensuring data integrity with our AI fraud checker and streamlined data services, which significantly reduce costs.


Our investors and friends are passionate about providing non-profits with next-generation tools that create social impact. We host a modest Impact Accelerator Granting Program to aide organizations get a jump start adopting our Nutrition platform.. Let us know if you would like to contribute to the program or think you are a great candidate.

New Program Implementation

As fellow entrepreneurs, we understand the journey. Whether you're expanding an established organization or launching a new impact model, we're here to collaborate. Let's design, implement, and grow together.